I invite you to take a powerful, healing music journey with me in the form of a Personalized Healing Flute Attunement Session.
Get in tune with your truest self by entraining to your own perfect set of harmonics.
The session will include your own “sound healing attunement” created and recorded specifically for you!
Music creates a field of energy. We, too, each embody a unique set of vibrations comprised of a particular harmonic series of sounds that set up our energy field, making us who we are. We are wired to be in balance. Life has a way of challenging that, but the original imprint of our own perfection of resonance lies within our deepest knowing; and only has to be carefully awakened to more effectively do its job. Through the blessing of music, our natural healing ability can kick in and complete the process. Then our system can once again, “hum.”
Everyone can benefit from a healing flute session. Are you feeling “off” or “out of tune,” challenged by the times, longing to reconnect to the harmony and ease to which you naturally resonate? Get in tune with your truest self by entraining to your own perfect set of harmonics through the healing sounds of my flute.
With the power of a focused intention formulated for you, a perfect sacred sound geometry unfolds, and the listener/participant automatically entrains to this needed vibrational attunement. When there is a blockage, or when one feels pain or ‘disharmony’ in the body, mind, or spirit, a harmonic configuration of resonance and balance specifically designed to address your individual need and intention, can have the power to align you to who you really are, and harmony ensues on multiple levels. Particular genres of music can help to do this yet it becomes palpably more potent when customized with personal intention. As you breathe, relax and listen, bathing in the music made specifically for you, you are allowing the gentle tuning of your vibration to the specific frequency of your source.
Hear what Julie Reisler says…
Are you an empath or highly sensitive person and struggle with overwhelm, feeling safe, grounded, or protected? Do you suffer with feeling scattered, over-stimulated, or have difficulty with sleep? Do you feel inundated with taking on others’ energies? Are you drawn to feeling connected to the powerful healing field of music? I have found this modality to profoundly help ground and protect, highly sensitive people from negative energies.
The process begins first by filling out a short INTAKE FORM, so I can get some basic information about your needs. In filling out the form, you will have the chance to meditate on what area (s) in your life feel challenged and need support. As the saying states, “Where your attention goes, the energy flows.” In acknowledging how we feel, we can begin to focus attention on how it would feel to melt the challenge away, as you realign in a heavenly flute sound bath.
Here are 4 suggested categories to help you zero in on a particular challenge you may be experiencing.
With laser-beam focus we will create the intention from which we will call in the healing. Rest assured, we can work with most any issue, even using a category below to help support or frame it.
Calmness and Relaxation
Fulfilling Your Heart’s Desire
Music as a Protective Shield
After I receive your form, we will set up the Personalized Healing Flute Session which will last approximately an hour. In the session, we will begin by delving more deeply into the area for which you desire support and healing. Once we “tune in” to the specified area of need with a clear and focused intention, I will connect with divine spirit, and channel the musical healing blessing through my flute.
Your personalized “sound healing attunement” will be created, performed, and recorded specifically for you, live on the call. It will then be sent to you as an mp3 file along with a “prescription” on how to work with it. During or after a designated time with your “musical healing prescription,” you are welcome to contact me with any thoughts, feelings, or questions via email: wendyluckmusic@aol.com
For your Personalized Healing Flute Session, my fee is $150. Please remit payment via PayPal (Friends and Family) using wendyluckmusic@aol.com. Payment is required upon booking your session in order to confirm your appointment. Ongoing Personalized Flute Healing Sessions designed to go deeper into one area or to address several areas are offered as well. Packages of 4 are also available.
Client Testimonials
As an internationally recognized flutist/vocalist/composer living in New York City, with concert performances spanning classical, jazz, avant garde, world, meditative and healing genres, I have found music to be a powerful force in awakening and shifting consciousness. Following a life-altering experience in Egypt, I recorded music in the Great Pyramid and in the temples along the Nile. I realized I had become a channel, having received healing symbols that have subsequently been imbedded in the sounds that come through my flute. Having experienced many profound healings through sound and music myself, along with many requests, I am offering Personalized Healing Flute Sessions with great excitement!
Hear what Jennifer Fust says…
I understand that these Personalized Healing Flute Sessions do not claim to cure any illnesses, but propose to support my own set of healing protocols with the most pure and honorable intention. I understand that the mp3 sent to me is automatically copyrighted ©WendyLuckMusic, and must not be sold or marketed without permission of ©WendyLuckMusic. I understand these sessions are approximately one hour, billed at $150, payable to PayPal via wendyluckmusic@aol.com.
“Pure inspiration delivered with multi-faceted talent.” ~ Bill Bauman, Ph.D.
“Her music has a strengthening energy for contact with the Divine Mind.” ~ J.J. Hurtak, PhD, Author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch
“Music that brings the listener to a brink of transcendence.” ~ Stephen Larsen, Author of A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Campbell
For concert Information and bookings, see Wendy’s Healing Flute Concerts page to learn more about:
Flute Healing Concerts including concert and indigenous flutes for Concert Halls, Performance Venues, Schools, Hospitals
Lecture/Flute Healing Concerts including concert and indigenous flutes
Seminar/Lecture/Flute Healing Concerts including Personalized Flute Healings for selected participants
Full Moon Magic Flute Circle
Flute Healing Concerts as an addition to others’ seminars
Click the button above to schedule an appointment or feel free to contact me at wendyluckmusic@aol.com or text/call 914-954-3924 for further information and bookings.
Looking forward to sharing the healing music of the spheres with you!