LINER NOTES – The Great Pyramid Flute Meditations


As I sat in silence, I heard an ancient voice that lured me across the sand of time to the Great Pyramid. It said,

“Listen to my sound. It is a multidimensional sound, a healing sound. Record it as you experience it… deeply, with grace and presence. Your music is in the walls – bring it back. The great secrets will be encoded in the tones.”


I journeyed into the Great Pyramid alone with my flute. I sat with my back against the cool stone sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber, surrounded only byt the glow of softly burning candles. Ethereal melodies cascaded down the alabaster walls, filling the holy place with sound; serene yet powerful.


Let the music bring tranquility to your soul and inspire your heart. Let it lead you through your own hidden chambers to find the mysteries of the Great Pyramid within you.

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